Best Time To Post On Instagram in 2024

June 18, 2023


Posting when your audience isn’t online on any social media platform means a large percentage of them will never see your posts. To make things worse, Instagram’s algorithm is constantly changing. Plus, it pushes engagement-heavy posts to the top of the feed, leaving less popular posts unseen.

If you’re not getting the engagement levels you want on Instagram (or, even worse, crickets greet you), you might be posting at the wrong time.

To uncover the best time to post on Instagram, many businesses have surveyed engagement metrics for millions of Instagram posts across the globe. But the truth is that it really depends on your industry, Instagram audience, timezone, and content. Below, we’ve consolidated that research to guide you on the best times to post on Instagram for 2024.

Best times to post on Instagram (in your local time zone)

  • Monday: 5 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 9 a.m., 1 p.m., 2 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 5 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m.
  • Thursday: 5 a.m. to 6 a.m., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
  • Friday: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9 a.m.
  • Sunday: 1 a.m., 7 a.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Based on research from Hootsuite, Later, Influencer Marketing Hub, Sprout Social, and Search Engine Journal, the above times are the ones that appeared the most frequently. For the purpose of this article, “most frequently” means at least two of the five publications noted the time as a “highest engagement” or “high engagement” time to post on Instagram.

Considerations for the best time to post on Instagram

Before you go ahead and schedule all of your content to go out at the times listed above, you also need to consider your target audience and your content intent. Optimize your Instagram bio to speak to your ideal reader. Consider people’s daily habits and schedules (like wake-up time or when folks eat lunch), what kind of content you put out, past data from your Instagram account, and your target audience’s habits.

If you’re a juice brand using Instagram marketing to promote your new breakfast smoothie, catching Instagram users when they wake up is a good tactic. But if you’re selling stationery subscriptions to enterprise companies, you might find your 6 a.m. Saturday posts fall flat because no one thinks about business on their day off. 

Best global times to post on Instagram according to Later

However, For global brands, situational considerations may be less of a concern. Later, a social media management tool claimed that early morning posts perform best based on its team’s analysis of more than 11 million Instagram posts. This tactic makes sense if you hope to reach your target audience across many sweeping time zones.

The caveat is that Later’s research studied posts from brands with wildly different audiences who would have been active and more engaged at different times throughout the day.

What is the best time overall to post on Instagram?

The best posting times and the best day of the week is when your audience is most likely to be online.

Generally, this will mean in the early morning, when people just wake up and reach for their mobile devices when people go on lunch breaks, and during evenings when people are scrolling through their phones after work.

Posting in the early morning on most weekdays gives you a good chance of popping up in a user’s Instagram feed when they first open the app. But if you’re targeting professionals or B2B brands with business Instagram accounts, you might have better luck posting at lunchtime or during the working day to catch their attention while their minds are on the job.

Is it better to post on Instagram at night or in the morning?

Based on the above best times to post on Instagram, it’s best to post on Instagram in the morning.

But remember that averages don’t necessarily reflect your target audience’s habits or niche. For example, you might be a yoga brand that gets high engagement by posting Friday night Instagram Reels of different restorative yoga routines. While Friday night isn’t a great time to post based on general averages, it might be just the ticket for your brand.

Research might show that morning posts generate more engagement, but your brand might be the outlier.

While it might not make a huge difference in engagement levels if you post in the morning versus the evening, you want your message to reach the right people at the right time. This is why it’s important to consider the content of your posts too.

For example, your sandwich shop might share a daily lunch special on Instagram stories. Posting before the lunch hour will probably get the best results. Post in the afternoon or evening, and you’ll be too late for those mid-morning grumbling stomachs.

When should you not post on Instagram?

According to Later, the worst time to post is on Saturday. Later’s research found that Instagram posts get the least engagement on Saturdays.

The research doesn’t highlight what industries were included in the research, which can skew the results in favor of certain products and brand categories.

That’s why it’s essential to do your own research to determine when the best time to post on Instagram is for your audience. Beyond that, remember that while Instagram has become a great place to sell your products and engage potential customers, not everyone is always looking to shop on social media.

“It’s really important to remember,” Taylor Loren says in an edited excerpt from the course How to Make Money on Instagram, “that while Instagram can be a great sales channel, that isn’t its only purpose. Building an engaged and active community should still be your top priority.”

How to figure out the best time to post on Instagram (for your brand and industry)

You can use the results from secondary research as a starting point for choosing when to post on Instagram, but it should be just that: a starting point.

These supposed “best times” are based on many posts to generate an average that may not be the “best time” for every type of brand. You might quickly find that the 6 a.m. time slot doesn’t work for you, but at least you’ve tried it and can cross it off as a good time to post.

Use Instagram insights to understand your followers

instagram analytics charts

If you have an Instagram business account, you can see the demographics of your followers, including their age, gender, and location. This will help you schedule your posts in the right time zone (for example, if 75% of your audience is in New York, you can schedule your posts in the Eastern time zone, even if your brand is based in California), but these Instagram insights also reveal when your followers are online.

This data is useful for uncovering the specific times your own audience is most active, so you can post compelling content when they’re online.

Instagram’s analytics tool also shows you the performance of each post, so you can start tracking it based on the time and day posted and the type of content shared. 

Take note of your competitors’ social media strategy

Below we detail the best times to post on Instagram for different industries but, again, this is based on averages from a large amount of data. Industries are incredibly varied—for example, the retail industry includes everything from B2B subscription companies to baby clothes, which have very different audiences.

It can help you focus on your main competitors and identify their post times. Pick three or four brands that are similar to yours or have a similar audience and notice the times they post and the posts that get the highest engagement levels.

instagram competitor engagement spreadsheet

If you don’t want to dig into this manually, there are apps that can help. NapoleonCat lets you analyze competitor posts by the number of comments and likes and engagement rate and shows you when these posts were published.

Preview does a similar thing. It lets you “track” your competitors and shows the most common time they post and when they get the most interaction. You can see your competitors’ most popular hashtags and search those for more posting inspiration.

instagram mobile analytics

Experiment with posting at different times

Finding the best time to post on Instagram is often a case of trial and error. What works one week might not work the next, so it’s important to keep experimenting until you find a time that generates consistent results.

Use Instagram’s analytics tool to see which posts perform best, or manually do the research with a spreadsheet.

instagram engagement charting by day

If, on the first week, you post at 5 p.m. on Monday, change it to 6 p.m. on the second week. When you’ve found the times that get the most Instagram engagement, run the experiment again to prove that theory and ensure the initial results weren’t just a fluke.

Consider the content of your Instagram posts.

The content of your Instagram posts will likely have a bigger impact than time alone—terrible posts will perform terribly at all times; great posts will probably perform incredibly at all times. What you post will also impact engagement levels throughout the day.

For example, if your content contains or promotes something people tend to do in the evenings, it may land best in the late afternoon or evening. A wine company showcasing its latest bottle might have better luck posting on Instagram on a Friday or Saturday evening rather than a Monday morning when a glass of wine is likely not on people’s minds.

When choosing the best times to post, consider the following:

  • What is the content of each post
  • The goal of your Instagram post (To inspire? To encourage a purchase? To raise brand awareness?)
  • When this content might be most useful for your followers

Sharing an art print with an inspiring quote? Try posting on a Monday morning, when people might need a hearty dose of inspiration to kick off their week.

This post from Loftie, for example, shares tips for deeper sleep. It might perform best in the afternoons or early evenings when its followers are just starting to think about their nighttime routine.

Schedule posts for prime times (and tweak as necessary).

You’re not always going to be online when your followers are. But, if your post’s success depends on you being around to engage with commenters, that alone could narrow the windows in which you plan to post.

If your post isn’t reliant on you being around, you can use tools to schedule your posts to go out at those times. The more consistent you are with your Posting schedule, the easier it is to see whether the times you’ve chosen work well or whether there’s room for improvement.

Monitoring how your social media posts are doing is crucial for generating maximum engagement levels, and it’s important that you track, measure, and tweak throughout the year. Something that performs well in summer at 8 a.m. on a Saturday may not get the same results at 8 a.m. on a Saturday in the middle of winter.

So, while you should research the right times to schedule your posts during high engagement periods, the process should be fluid. Continue to measure results and experiment with different posting times as you attract more followers and start promoting different products and times of the year.

What is the best time to post on Instagram for different industries?

This research conducted by Sprout Social shows the optimum times for posting on Instagram in different industries. Remember that the results incorporate the posting schedules of over 20,000 brands and that the listed industries have many different niches and segments.

These posting times can work as a good starting point for your research if you have no idea where to begin, but again, they should only act as a starting point.

  • Consumer goods: Sunday (3 p.m. to 4 p.m.)
  • Finance: Wednesday (6 a.m.)
  • Media and entertainment: Tuesday (10 a.m. to 11 a.m.)
  • Tech: Wednesday (8 a.m.), Friday (10 a.m.)
  • Non-profit: Wednesday (9 a.m. – 3 p.m.), Sunday (9 a.m.)
  • Education: Tuesday (10 a.m.)
  • Healthcare: Thursday (7 a.m.)
  • Travel and tourism: Wednesday (12 p.m.)
  • Restaurants: Wednesday (10 a.m. – 12 p.m.)
  • Hospitality: Thursday (11a.m.), Friday (10 a.m. and 3 p.m.)

Maximize your posting schedule by finding the best time to post on Instagram

The best time for you to post on your Instagram account depends on your target audience, your content, your industry, and the intent of your posts, all of which can be revealed by carrying out your research and experiments.

Start by learning who your followers are through Instagram analytics, then dissect the posting times of your biggest competitors to figure out what works for your corner of the industry. Finally, post regularly, run your own posting experiments, and continue to track, measure, and tweak your schedule to ensure engagement levels remain high throughout the year.