Best Insider Risk Management Software

Insider risk management is a methodology that encompasses tools and capabilities to measure, detect, and contain undesirable behavior of trusted accounts within an organization. It involves solutions that monitor the activities of employees, service partners, and key suppliers working internally, evaluating whether their behavior aligns with the expectations of their roles and the organization’s risk tolerance.

Key aspects include:

  1. Behavior Monitoring and Analysis
  2. Risk Evaluation and Tolerance Assessment
  3. Cross-Functional Collaboration
  4. Policies, Guidelines, and Investigations

For Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and cybersecurity leaders, insider risk management involves employing technological solutions to tackle a fundamentally human issue. Managing insider risks requires collaboration among various cross-functional partners, involving policies, guidelines, and investigative work that extend beyond the typical cybersecurity organization’s scope.

In the context of this market, insider risk management consists of tools and solutions that monitor the behavior of employees, service partners, and key suppliers operating within the organization. These solutions evaluate whether the observed behavior falls within the expectations of their roles and the organization’s corporate risk tolerance levels.

To qualify for the Insider Risk Management category, a product must:

  • Monitor and analyze the behavior of trusted internal accounts, including employees, service partners, and key suppliers.
  • Evaluate the observed behavior against the expectations of the individual’s role and the organization’s risk tolerance.
  • Support cross-functional collaboration and enable the implementation of policies, guidelines, and investigations related to insider risk management.
  • Provide tools and capabilities to detect, measure, and contain undesirable behavior of trusted internal accounts.
  • Address the human aspect of cybersecurity risks originating from within the organization.

The core value proposition of insider risk management solutions is to empower organizations with the ability to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks posed by trusted internal accounts, fostering a secure and compliant environment while promoting cross-functional collaboration and adherence to established policies and guidelines.


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FAQs of Insider Risk Management Software

Insider Risk primarily targets an organization’s data issues rather than its personnel challenges. Insider threat management involves identifying users who may pose a risk to an organization’s data and implementing measures to mitigate these risks.

Teramind is a prominent provider of solutions for employee monitoring, insider threat detection, and data loss prevention. Its platform is tailored to boost security, productivity, and compliance within organizations by monitoring and analyzing user behavior across company networks and devices.

Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management is a compliance solution designed to mitigate internal risks by allowing you to identify, investigate, and respond to both intentional and unintentional activities within your organization.

Data loss prevention (DLP) primarily concentrates on safeguarding sensitive data, making it the central focus. In contrast, insider threat management (ITM) centers on monitoring user behavior, with a primary focus on data access. DLP and ITM systems often overlap or clash as they address similar concerns or duplicate functionalities.

Our mission is to equip the DOD enterprise with the capability to identify, assess, and mitigate risks posed by insiders. We aim to oversee and manage unauthorized disclosures while integrating, managing, and enhancing insider threat (InT) capabilities to a professional standard.