Best CPQ Software

Although Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) software has been available for decades, it has emerged as the newest wave of sales optimization tools. But what exactly is CPQ software, and how can it benefit businesses?

CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) is a specialized sales tool designed to enable companies to swiftly and precisely generate quotes for customer orders. CPQ applications often work in tandem with CRM platforms, ERP programs, and other business technologies, ensuring integrated data and improved accuracy.

Quotes generated using CPQ software are automated based on a predefined set of rules. This helps eliminate errors by taking into account factors such as:

  • Quantities and pricing
  • Discounts and promotions
  • Product customizations and optional features
  • Multiple revenue types (e.g. subscriptions, one-time purchases)
  • Incompatibilities between products or configurations

By automating the quoting process, CPQ software streamlines sales workflows and empowers sales teams to provide customers with accurate, professional quotes in a timely manner. This improves the overall sales experience and increases the chances of closing deals.

Key benefits of implementing CPQ software include:

  • Faster, more accurate quote generation
  • Improved pricing consistency and optimization
  • Enhanced cross-selling and upselling opportunities
  • Tighter integration with other business systems

As the CPG industry continues to evolve, CPQ software is becoming an increasingly essential sales tool for companies looking to streamline their quoting processes, increase sales productivity, and drive revenue growth. By leveraging this innovative technology, businesses can gain a competitive edge and enhance the overall customer experience.


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FAQs of CPQ Software

CPQ software is a tool that helps sales teams quickly and accurately configure, price, and generate proposals or quotes for complex products and services. It streamlines the sales process and improves the customer experience.

CPQ platforms provide guided selling workflows that walk sales reps through the product selection, pricing, and quoting process. They also integrate with CRM systems to centralize customer data and leverage pricing/product rules.

It enables sales teams to generate accurate, professional-looking quotes faster, reduce manual errors, and ensure pricing and configurations adhere to business rules. This improves sales productivity and win rates.

Sales teams, sales operations, and anyone involved in the sales quoting and proposal process, especially for companies selling complex, customizable, or bundled products and services.

Key advantages include faster quote turnaround, improved quote accuracy, consistent branding, streamlined approval workflows, and better visibility into the sales pipeline.